Sunday, March 15, 2009

How Could Exercise Assist With Depression?

Depression could be a catch all term from feeling a bit low to being physically unable to acquire out of bed. Although people could be affected with it in different ways, countless studies have demonstrated that exercise could have a positive effect on depression. Other studies have shown that those who take regular exercise are less likely to suffer from depression in the first place.

Exercise could relieve muscle tension and increase heart rate. Most exercise requires complete focus and attention and as such could take the mental focus off your issues for a period of time. It also assists to relax you. It could assist boost energy levels and also assist with acquiring a better nights sleep.

Some studies have also suggested that exercise could assist increase levels of serotonin, a chemical that could make you feel better.

Obviously if you are so depressed that it is a struggle to acquire out of bed, other avenues should be explored first. But at some point in your recovery, exercise should be introduced. This would aid your long term recovery.

It should not be viewed as an quick fix cure as it could take as much as 3 months to fully realise the benefits. However, it is possible to have a general feeling of well being in a shorter time frame.

There are many forms of exercise that could be carried out, but whatever is chosen should be taken with a Doctor's advice. The program should have a slowly increasing intensity. This would bring down potential for injury and assist maintain interest.

A good place to start is focus on an activity that you have an interest in or think that you might enjoy. You could take up walking or buy a bike. It could also open up the opportunities for meeting new people by joining a class or a club.

The most significant thing is that it is worked into your regular routine and you regularly keep it up. You would feel much better for it and hopefully would not ever prefer to give it up.

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